Career Day in the Life: Paralegal

Career Day in the Life: Paralegal Many people are aware that paralegals work alongside attorneys. Yet fewer people know what paralegals actually do all day. Some people assume paralegals answer phones and fetch coffee, while others think paralegals are law students or lawyers in training. In fact, neither view of paralegals is correct. The paralegal […]
Three No-Brainer Reasons You Should Use a Recruiting Firm to Find Your Top Legal Talent

Three No-Brainer Reasons You Should Use a Recruiting Firm to Find Your Top Legal Talent Finding top legal talent isn’t always easy. One way to make it easier is to team up with an expert recruiter. In this blog post, we’ll walk through the top three reasons hiring managers should work directly with a […]
Finding Your First Attorney Position

Finding Your First Attorney Position So you’ve recently graduated from law school and passed the bar exam? Congratulations! Years of hard work and dedication have paid off in the form of your law degree and legal license. But what will you do with the credentials you’ve worked so hard to acquire? You have a wealth […]