What Benefits are Fresh Law Grads Looking For?

What Benefits Are Fresh Law Grads Looking For? Completing law school and receiving notice you passed the bar exam are exciting moments in a new lawyer’s life. They mark the end of formal legal education and the start of a fulfilling career in the law. This era of new experiences is also full of uncertainty, […]
Narrowing Down Your Law Specialty

Narrowing Down Your Law Specialty Law is a massive, complex field. To address its complexity, law schools expose students to fundamental topics like contracts and civil procedure, then offer an array of classes in various legal areas. While your legal education may have familiarized you with various legal topics, its exposure to a wide range […]
Look for These Three Key Skills When Hiring Your Next Office Administrator

Look for These Three Key Skills When Hiring Your Next Office Administrator A legal office administrator can make or break the smooth functioning of your firm. Choosing the best candidate from your applicant pool, however, can be challenging. Here are three of the top skills of outstanding law firm office administrators. Keep these abilities […]