What Benefits Are Fresh Law Grads Looking For?

Completing law school and receiving notice you passed the bar exam are exciting moments in a new lawyer’s life. They mark the end of formal legal education and the start of a fulfilling career in the law. This era of new experiences is also full of uncertainty, however. To combat this uncertainty, many new law graduates look for employers that offer secure, comprehensive benefits.

Here are several benefits law firms and legal departments can offer new law graduates. Encourage your new hires to focus on learning the practice of law with benefits like:

Tuition Reimbursement

Tuition reimbursement helps new law grads address the costs of continuing legal education or the costs of earning an LLM – a credential that can offer added value for the law firm. Encourage new hires to dive into their practice areas by covering the costs of continued education.

Bar Exam Prep and Fee Reimbursement

Bar exam success rates rise when new lawyers can focus on preparing for the exam without worrying about fees and costs. Attorneys who are licensed to practice in multiple states, in turn, can boost their law firm’s efforts.

Bar exam prep and fee reimbursement can encourage your new hires to acquire and maintain their licenses across jurisdictions. While these costs are often negligible for a firm, they can represent a significant relief for new attorneys.

Mentorship Programs Within the Firm

Mentorship is essential to the continued success of individual law firms and the legal profession as a whole. By creating a mentorship program within the firm, you encourage both new lawyers and established practitioners to learn from one another and grow together. Mentorship programs allow you to communicate the firm’s values, vision, and mission as well as teach new lawyers essential skills. For those fresh out of law school, this support in learning the practicalities of day-to-day legal practice is a must.

Looking for new talent from top law schools and law-related programs?

Connect with the team at Avata Partners. We help our clients connect with rising stars in the legal industry. Contact us today to learn more!