Three Strategies for Making It Through Tough Days at Work
The winter blahs. A pile of new demands. Co-workers whose own struggles mean they have no patience for anything else. Lots of factors can turn a normal day at work into a tough situation. Tough days happen to everyone. Here, we offer quick, effective strategies to stay motivated and push through challenging moments at work.
Build up your “build up” folder.
Hang onto uplifting notes you’ve received in the past. Thank-yous from colleagues or clients, praise on work you’ve done – make copies of it all. Keep it in a folder you can refer to when your days get tough. For especially meaningful feedback, consider posting it above your desk so you can see it daily. Use these notes as reminders of why your work matters.
Focus on the now.
When we’re tired and overwhelmed, it’s easy to feel as if one tough day will last forever. In fact, “one tough day” is often just that – a single day. Reserve your energy by focusing on what’s directly in front of you. Don’t worry about tomorrow. Chances are good that you’ll come back tomorrow rested and ready to tackle whatever challenges the day brings.
Make a note in your calendar that today is a “tough day.” Over time, check your calendar for patterns. You may notice that “tough days” are in fact few and far between. Or you may notice that you’ve had several in the past six months – indicating it may be time for a career change.
Give yourself time after work to decompress.
A tough day deserves a gentle evening. Once you leave work, give yourself permission to let go of other responsibilities or demands. The dishes or laundry will be there for you tomorrow, when you have the energy to deal with them. This evening, spend time doing something you enjoy. Studies show that physical activity, conversation with loved ones, or cuddling with a loved one or a pet all help our bodies calm stress and repair themselves. And don’t overlook the importance of a good night’s sleep!
If your “tough days” have turned into tough months or years, it might be time to consider a career change.